“Build Your Future” is a European project on fostering entrepreneurship for young people between the ages of 18–29. It is implemented in the consortium of nine partners in Croatia, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Romania, Slovakia and Spain. The project is administered by the International Academy Berlin (INA) gGmbH and the YEPP International Resource Centre and runs from 1 February 2015 to 31 January 2017. It has been financially supported by the European Union’s ERASMUS+ programme, Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnerships.

The “Build your future” project is designed to empower young people between the ages of 18–29 to take an active life position, develop entrepreneurial mindset and be better prepared for the employment, self-employment or for further education. At the same time, it seeks to foster local entrepreneurship in the urban and rural communities in Europe through cooperation of strategic partners from multiple sectors.

The project has two strands:

  1. practice-oriented entrepreneurship course for young people,
  2. strategies for fostering entrepreneurship at the local level.


The course will be developed in a consortium of scientists, youth workers, local experts, NGOs and young people from partner organizations. It will be practice-oriented and take existing resources into account to adapt the working formats for young people. Part of the course is online learning and face-to-face exchange of young people locally and transnationally, as well as training of trainers for youth coaches and youth workers interested to deliver the course to young people they work with.

The strategies for fostering youth entrepreneurship will be developed in an action group involving municipalities, local actors and young people. Part of this strand are the Entrepreneurship Labs – spaces to promote exchange and learning between municipalities, entrepreneurs, youth coaches and young people.

For more information about the project, contact: Melania Kilyen, project coordinator, melania@szka.org.