What is this?

The joint plastic cap collection program of Color Metal LTD and the OSCF has a double purpose:

  • To clean out and protect our environment, raise awareness and educate our community about it;
  • Selling the collected caps and creating a support fund to support community initiatives, to protect the environment and natural values and to promote a healthy lifestyle in Odorhei

How Does It Work?

The Color Metal LTD made heart-shaped containers made from the aluminum products they sell to collect the bottlecaps in them. These containers are set up at different companies, public places where people have easy access to. The containers can be filled with caps by anyone who collects them at home or at work.

Our goal is to grow this project into a movement. With this consideration in mind, we strive to collaborate with as many catering companies as possible to reuse the caps collected over there.

The OSCF is responsible for the management of the program and for the support fund as well.

Why should You join us?


  • It is important for all of us to have a healthy environment
  • There is actually a real step we can take to achieve our goal
  • More and more people – companies, institutions and individuals – are taking action in it
  • Just a more conscious move for you and for your community to keep the caps in the bin instead of the trash
  • You will be constantly informed about the movement and the implementations
  • Builds your company culture and brand if you join this good cause
  • In the long run, in addition to business goals, it is useful to keep in mind the interests of the environment and the community
  • We should be responsible for our future, making small steps like this, so the caps won’t end up in the trash, but in the container


Cleaning out HEART of bottle cap

1. Merkúr Bethlen, 12. 09. 2019. , 90 kg bottle cap

2. Szuper Horizont, 17. 09. 2019., 72 kg bottle cap

3. Parajdi Töltöttkáposzta Fesztivál, 20–22. 2019., 15.5 kg bottle cap

4. Run for IT!, 13. 10. 2019., 147 kg bottle cap

5. Alt Technologies, 29. 10. 2019., 89 kg bottle cap

6. Merkúr Bethlen, 14. 11. 2019., 86 kg bottle cap

7. Merkúr Áruház, 14. 11. 2019., 72 kg bottle cap

8. Kaufland, 18. 11. 2019., 74.5 kg bottle cap

9. Szuper Market, 18. 11. 2019., 69 kg bottle cap

10. Kaufland, 12. 12. 2019., 65 kg bottle cap

11. Color Metal, 12. 12. 2019., 71 kg bottle cap

12. Donated bottle caps (from catering units, individuals), 12. 12. 2019., 36 kg bottle cap

13. Bethlen Gábor Primary School, 16. 01. 2020., 100 kg bottle cap

14. Szuper Horizont, 16. 01. 2020., 82 kg bottle cap

15. Merkúr Bethlen, 29. 01. 2020., 93 kg bottle cap

16. Szuper Market, 29. 01. 2020., 63 kg bottle cap

17. Donated bottle caps (from catering units, individuals), 07. 02. 2020., 19 kg bottle cap

18. Villanytelepi Napköziotthon, 07. 02. 2020., 15.5 kg bottle cap

19. Elan Trio Ltd., 20. 02. 2020., 58 kg bottle cap

20. Bethlen Gábor Primary School, 27. 02. 2020., 103 kg bottle cap

21. Merkúr Áruház, 17. 03. 2020., 83 kg bottle cap

22. Kaufland, 17. 03. 2020., 69 kg bottle cap

23. Merkúr Bethlen, 15. 05. 2020., 103 kg bottle cap

24. Szuper Market, 15. 05. 2020., 54.5 kg bottle cap

25. Szuper Horizont, 15. 05. 2020., 77 kg bottle cap

26. Kaufland, 03. 07. 2020., 91 kg bottle cap

27. Merkúr Bethlen, 22. 07. 2020., 68 kg bottle cap

28. Color Metal, 22. 07. 2020., 59 kg bottle cap

29. Merkúr Áruház, 22. 07. 2020., 73 kg bottle cap

30. Elan Trio Ltd., 23. 07. 2020., 41.5 kg bottle cap

31. Donated bottle caps (from catering units, individuals), 23. 07. 2020., 11.5 kg bottle cap

32. Kaufland, 16. 09. 2020., 110 kg bottle cap

33. Merkúr Bethlen, 16. 09. 2020., 110 kg bottle cap

34. Bottle Cap Mosaic, 24. 10. 2020., 380.5 kg bottle cap

35. Szuper Horizont, 10. 11. 2020., 90.5 kg bottle cap

36. Merkúr Áruház, 10. 12. 2020., 77.5 kg bottle cap

37. Merkúr Bethlen, 15. 12. 2020., 90 kg bottle cap

38. Szuper Market, 22. 12. 2020., 62 kg bottle cap

39. Kaufland, 22. 12. 2020., 76.5 kg bottle cap

40. Donated bottle caps (from catering units, individuals), 07. 01. 2021., 28.5 kg bottle cap

41. Szilveszter Express Market – Székelykeresztúr, 22. 01. 2021., 50.5 kg bottle cap

42. Merkúr Bethlen, 25. 02. 2021., 94 kg bottle cap

43. Donated bottle caps (from catering units, individuals), 26. 02. 2021., 14 kg bottle cap

44. Elan Trio Ltd., 26. 02. 2021., 30.5 kg bottle cap

45. Szuper Market, 02. 03. 2021., 63 kg bottle cap

46. Kaufland, 17. 03. 2021., 65 kg bottle cap

47. Szuper Horizont, 09. 04. 2021., 65 kg bottle cap

48. Merkúr Áruház, 09. 04. 2021., 60 kg bottle cap

49. Merkúr Bethlen, 23. 04. 2021., 93 kg bottle cap

50. Donated bottle caps (from catering units, individuals), 05. 05. 2021., 5 kg bottle cap

51. Vlăhița, 06. 05. 2021., 31 kg bottle cap

52. KupakMOZAIK, 05. 06. 2021., 565 kg bottle cap

53. Alt Technologies, 16. 06. 2021., 94 kg bottle cap

54. Vlăhița, 17. 06. 2021., 22 kg bottle cap

55. „Haáz Rezső” Museum, 20. 06. 2021., 2.65 kg bottle cap

56. Merkúr Bethlen, 29. 06. 2021., 79 kg bottle cap

57. Szuper Market, 20. 07. 2021., 80 kg bottle cap

58. Melinda Impex Instal, 23. 07. 2021., 103 kg bottle cap

59. Kaufland, 23. 07. 2021., 91 kg bottle cap

60. Szilveszter Express Market – Székelykeresztúr, 03. 08. 2021., 85 kg bottle cap

61. Merkúr Áruház, 24. 08. 2021., 81 kg bottle cap

62. Szuper Horizont, 24. 08. 2021., 60 kg bottle cap

63. VIBE Festival, 06. 09. 2021., 3.35 kg bottle cap

64. Merkúr Bethlen, 15. 10. 2021., 96 kg bottle cap

65. Szuper Market, 22. 10. 2021., 98 kg bottle cap

66. Csicsergő Napköziotthon, 22. 10. 2021., 31 kg bottle cap

67. Kaufland, 26. 10. 2021., 70 kg bottle cap

68. Donated bottle caps (from catering units, individuals), 10. 11. 2021., 46.55 kg bottle cap

69. Merkúr Bethlen, 22. 11. 2021., 82 kg bottle cap

70. Eszterlánc Napköziotthon, 24. 11. 2021., 93 kg bottle cap

71. Merkúr Bethlen, 28. 01. 2022., 102 kg bottle cap

72. Merkúr Áruház, 28. 01. 2022., 88 kg bottle cap

73. Kaufland, 28. 01. 2022., 91 kg bottle cap

74. Donated bottle caps (from catering units, individuals), 10. 02. 2022., 5 kg bottle cap

75. Zsibongó Napköziotthon, 10. 02. 2022., 18 kg bottle cap

76. Merkúr Bethlen, 30. 03. 2022., 85 kg bottle cap

77. Szuper Market, 30. 03. 2022., 83 kg bottle cap

78. Educational institutions of Sândominic, 27. 04. 2022., 67.5 kg bottle cap

79. Eszterlánc Napköziotthon, 26. 05. 2022., 94 kg bottle cap

80. Szuper horizont, 30. 05. 2022., 74 kg bottle cap

81. Szilveszter Express Market – Székelykeresztúr, 30. 05. 2022., 89 kg bottle cap

82. KupakMOZAIK 2022, 01. 06. 2022., 784 kg bottle cap

83. Merkúr Bethlen, 21. 06. 2022., 84 kg bottle cap

84. Merkúr Áruház, 28. 06. 2022., 77 kg bottle cap

85. Kaufland, 28. 06. 2022., 71 kg bottle cap

86. Vibe, 30. 07. 2022., 7.5 kg bottle cap

87. Merkúr Bethlen, 19. 09. 2022., 100 kg bottle cap

88. Szuper Horizont, 19. 09. 2022., 60 kg bottle cap

89. Szuper Market, 19. 09. 2022., 70 kg bottle cap

90. Elan Trio Ltd., 30. 09. 2022., 30 kg bottle cap

91. Fit Feel, 30. 09. 2022., 4 kg bottle cap

92. SZKA-office, 23. 11. 2022., 1.5 kg bottle cap

93. Merkúr Bethlen, 29. 11. 2022., 91 kg bottle cap

94. Kaufland, 09. 12. 2022., 40 kg bottle cap

95. Szuper Market, 09. 12. 2022., 62 kg bottle cap

96. Horizont, 13. 12. 2022., 91 kg bottle cap

97. Elan Trio, 15. 12. 2022., 35 kg bottle cap

98. Merkúr Bethlen, 03. 03. 2023., 84 kg bottle cap

99. Móra Ferenc Iskola, 30. 03. 2023., 78 kg bottle cap

100. Szilveszter Express Market – Székelykeresztúr, 03. 04. 2023., 85 kg bottle cap

101. Horizont, 12. 04. 2023., 87 kg bottle cap

102. Kaufland, 13. 04. 2023., 74 kg bottle cap

103. Merkúr Áruház, 30. 05. 2023., 82 kg bottle cap

104. Szuper, 30. 05. 2023., 64 kg bottle cap

105. Merkúr Bethlen, 30. 05. 2023., 76 kg bottle cap

106. KupakMOZAIK, 10. 06. 2023., 827 kg bottle cap

107. Eszterlánc Napközi, 13. 07. 2023., 165 kg bottle cap

108. Kaufland, 04. 09. 2023., 73 kg bottle cap

109. Merkúr Bethlen, 15. 09. 2023., 93 kg bottle cap

110. Merkúr Áruház, 15. 09. 2023., 85 kg bottle cap

111. Elan Trio, 06. 11. 2023., 55 kg bottle cap

112. Coats, 18. 01. 2024., 94 kg bottle cap

113. Szilveszter Express Market – Székelykeresztúr, 13. 02. 2024., 107 kg bottle cap

114. Merkúr Áruház, 10. 04. 2024., 81 kg bottle cap

115. Merkúr Bethlen, 10. 04. 2024., 99 kg bottle cap

0 kg
in all

Where do you find a Bottlecap HEART?

Currently, there are 16 containers (collectors) where as 13 in Odorheiu Secuiesc, one in Lupeni, one in Cristuru Secuiesc and one in Sândominic:

Strategic partners

Cooperating partners

Bethlen Gábor Primary Schools  |  Móra Ferenc Primary Schools  |  Bányai János Technical College